수능 2011 수능영어 기출문제 41번 살펴보겠습니당 ^^  

41. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

University students in several of my seminar classes sat in a circle and each student took turns telling the others his or her name. At the end of the round of introductions, the students were asked to write down the names of as many other students as they could remember. In almost every case, students wrote down the names of students that were seated far away from them. However, surprisingly, they weren't able to recall the names of students who were seated close to them. This effect was worst for the students who sat on either side of them. What was the reason for such findings? The student who was next in line for an introduction was clearly on edge and after finishing his or her introduction, he or she was preoccupied with calming his or her nerves. The effect was clearly due to the social anxiety they experienced immediately beefore and after having to introduce themselves to the entire group.

1) Ways to cope with Nervousness
2) Useful Strategies for Better Memory
3) How to Remember Uncommon Names
4) Nervousness and Its Effects on Memory
5) Seating Arrangements for Better Relations

University students in several of my seminar classes sat in a circle and each student took turns telling the others his or her name.
At the end of the round of introductions, the students were asked to write down the names of as many other students as they could remember.

내 몇몇 세미나 수업에서 대딩들이 원모냥을 하고 둘러앉아 .... 각 학생이 차례대로... 다른이이게.... 각자의 이름을 말해보도록 하는 시간이 있었죠. 각 소개가 끝나고, 학생들에게 적어보라고 했습죠.... 그들이 기능할 수 있는 가능한 많은 학생들의 이름을 말이죠. 

In almost every case, students wrote down the names of students that were seated far away from them. However, surprisingly, they weren't able to recall the names of students who were seated close to them. This effect was worst for the students who sat on either side of them. What was the reason for such findings?

거의 대부분의 경우에서, 학생들의 그들로부터 가장 멀리 떨어져서 앉은 학생들의 이름은 적었죠. 하쥐만, 놀랍게도... 그들은(학생들은) 그들 가까이에 앉았던 학생들의 이름은 떠올리질 못했습죠. 이러한 효과는 그들 양쪽에 앉아 있던 학생들의 경우 최악이었죠.요러한 발견의 원인은 무엇일까여??

원인 분석 들어가 볼까여 ??? 

The student who was next in line for an introduction was clearly on edge and after finishing his or her introduction, he or she was preoccupied with calming his or her nerves. The effect was clearly due to the social anxiety they experienced immediately beefore and after having to introduce themselves to the entire group. 

소개가 곧바로 자기인 학생은 명백히 긴장을 했고, 그 사람이 소개를 끝내게 되면, 그 학생은 긴장감을 달래는데... 사로잡혀 있는 것이죠. 요러한 효과는 명백히....그들이 자신을 모든 사람에게 소개하기 바로전이나 후에 경험했던 사회공포증 때문이었당.  

제목은 머시기가 될까염 ???

1) Ways to cope with Nervousness    긴장 다루는 방법?  No....
2) Useful Strategies for Better Memory   좋은 기억을 위한 유용한 전략?? N
3) How to Remember Uncommon Names   어뜨케 일반적이지 않은 이름을 기억하냐.

4) Nervousness and Its Effects on Memory  (긴장과 기억에 있어서의 그것의 영향)  빙고!!
5) Seating Arrangements for Better Relations  좋은 관계를 위한 자리 배치 

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