2011 수능 기출 문제 43번 논리 배열 문제
The body has been viewed as a 'natural' phenomenon - a fixed, unchanging fact of nature. Recently, however, it is also being seen as a part of culture in the sense that it can be socially defined in different ways.
몸은요 걍 자연적인 현상처럼 보여져 왔데여 - 고정되고 변하지 않는 자연 머시기 머 그런거.... 최근에, 하지만 .. 그것은 문화의 어떤 부분으로써 보여지고 있데요 .... 고것이 각각 다양한 방법으로 사회적으로 정의될 수 있다는 점에서말이죠...
그럼 다음 나와야 할 내용이 .... 몸에 대해 다양한 방법으로 정의된 사회적인 정의가 나와야겠네여 ^^
(A)를 보니, also가 들어가 있죠 ..... (B) 앞대가리를 보니 몸에 대한 사회적인 정의는 ... 머시기다 라고 나와 있네여 ...
그리고 (C)를 보니 ...그들의 작업에서 ...라는 WORK가 나오는뎅 .....다시 (A)를 대충 훑어보니깐 ..now working with ~~ 어쩌고 저쩌고가 나오네여 ....
자 .. 그럼 Priview 대략 작성해 볼까여 ...
(B) 몸에 대한 사회적인 정의
(A) also 가 들어갔다 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
(C) 그들의 work에서
대략 요런 미리보기가 만들어 집니당. 사실, preview 만 잘 맹글어도 거의 90%에 육박하는 정답률을 만들 수 있지만...자신의 미리보기가 자신이 없다면 ..다시금 해석을 해보고 배치시키면 됩니당. 그리고 해석해 보는 건 필수겠죠^^ 해석은 패쑤 ^^
(A) It has also opened up new questions and issues in the sociology of sport. Some people in the sociology of sport are now working with colleagues in other disciplines who share interests in the body.
(B) Social definitions of the body are grounded in social relations and influenced by those with the power to promote agreement about what should be considered 'natural' when it comes to the body. This new way of thinking about the body has challenged the traditional mind-body split that has characterized Western thought since the time of Plato.
(C) In their work they are asking critical questions about how the body is trained, disciplined, and manipulated in sports and how some sport scientists are using technology to probe, monitor, test, evaluate, and rehabilitate the body as a performance machine.
The body has been viewed as a 'natural' phenomenon - a fixed, unchanging fact of nature. Recently, however, it is also being seen as a part of culture in the sense that it can be socially defined in different ways.
(A) It has also opened up new questions and issues in the sociology of sport. Some people in the sociology of sport are now working with colleagues in other disciplines who share interests in the body.
(B) Social definitions of the body are grounded in social relations and influenced by those with the power to promote agreement about what should be considered 'natural' when it comes to the body. This new way of thinking about the body has challenged the traditional mind-body split that has characterized Western thought since the time of Plato.
(C) In their work they are asking critical questions about how the body is trained, disciplined, and manipulated in sports and how some sport scientists are using technology to probe, monitor, test, evaluate, and rehabilitate the body as a performance machine.
1. (A) - (B) - (C)
2. (B) - (A) - (C)
3. (B) - (C) - (A)
4. (C) - (A) - (B)
5. (C) - (B) - (A)
(A) It has also opened up new questions and issues in the sociology of sport. Some people in the sociology of sport are now working with colleagues in other disciplines who share interests in the body.
(B) Social definitions of the body are grounded in social relations and influenced by those with the power to promote agreement about what should be considered 'natural' when it comes to the body. This new way of thinking about the body has challenged the traditional mind-body split that has characterized Western thought since the time of Plato.
(C) In their work they are asking critical questions about how the body is trained, disciplined, and manipulated in sports and how some sport scientists are using technology to probe, monitor, test, evaluate, and rehabilitate the body as a performance machine.
1. (A) - (B) - (C)
2. (B) - (A) - (C)
3. (B) - (C) - (A)
4. (C) - (A) - (B)
5. (C) - (B) - (A)
The body has been viewed as a 'natural' phenomenon - a fixed, unchanging fact of nature. Recently, however, it is also being seen as a part of culture in the sense that it can be socially defined in different ways.
몸은요 걍 자연적인 현상처럼 보여져 왔데여 - 고정되고 변하지 않는 자연 머시기 머 그런거.... 최근에, 하지만 .. 그것은 문화의 어떤 부분으로써 보여지고 있데요 .... 고것이 각각 다양한 방법으로 사회적으로 정의될 수 있다는 점에서말이죠...
그럼 다음 나와야 할 내용이 .... 몸에 대해 다양한 방법으로 정의된 사회적인 정의가 나와야겠네여 ^^
(A)를 보니, also가 들어가 있죠 ..... (B) 앞대가리를 보니 몸에 대한 사회적인 정의는 ... 머시기다 라고 나와 있네여 ...
그리고 (C)를 보니 ...그들의 작업에서 ...라는 WORK가 나오는뎅 .....다시 (A)를 대충 훑어보니깐 ..now working with ~~ 어쩌고 저쩌고가 나오네여 ....
자 .. 그럼 Priview 대략 작성해 볼까여 ...
(B) 몸에 대한 사회적인 정의
(A) also 가 들어갔다 ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
(C) 그들의 work에서
대략 요런 미리보기가 만들어 집니당. 사실, preview 만 잘 맹글어도 거의 90%에 육박하는 정답률을 만들 수 있지만...자신의 미리보기가 자신이 없다면 ..다시금 해석을 해보고 배치시키면 됩니당. 그리고 해석해 보는 건 필수겠죠^^ 해석은 패쑤 ^^
(A) It has also opened up new questions and issues in the sociology of sport. Some people in the sociology of sport are now working with colleagues in other disciplines who share interests in the body.
(B) Social definitions of the body are grounded in social relations and influenced by those with the power to promote agreement about what should be considered 'natural' when it comes to the body. This new way of thinking about the body has challenged the traditional mind-body split that has characterized Western thought since the time of Plato.
(C) In their work they are asking critical questions about how the body is trained, disciplined, and manipulated in sports and how some sport scientists are using technology to probe, monitor, test, evaluate, and rehabilitate the body as a performance machine.
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