ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 요즘 보면 이상한 파일 다운로드로 연결하는 낚시성 포스팅이 많은뎅....
정말 한글파일 다운로드 받아지니깐욥 .....
기말고사 대비에 필요한 학생 or 선생님들 필요한 부분 잘 활용해 보시기 바랍니당.
포스트 상으로 작성을 하려다 보니, 검색에도 마이너스 부분이 작용하고.....
한글파일로 작성한 것보다 ..... 가독성이 많이 떨어져 걍 파일로 올렸습니돠 ~!!
천재(재)2학기 기말고사 대비 서술형 및 객관식 응용형 대비:
광쌤이샘 소개 바로가기: http://ebayer.tistory.com/359
will be able to V : (미래에) ~ V (동사) 할 수 있을 것이다
will be able to 라는 문법이 10과에 나타나는뎅.....
간단하게 ... will be able to V 써서 간단한 문장을 적어보라는 비교적 심플한 주관식 문제가 출제가 가능하며 .....
조금 어렵게 객관식으로 출제가 된다면 .. 아래 실전 연습과 같은 형태로 .. 약간 헷갈리게 각색해서....
혼동을 유발하는 문제가 출제가 가능합니다....
어찌되었던 .. will be able to V 는 놈은 상대적으로 쉬운 문법사항이고 ..... 시험에서 ....
변별력을 좌우하는 것은 아니지만 ... 잘 몰라서 틀린다면 치명적인 결과를 가져올 수 도 있기 때문에 잘 알아두도록 합시당 ^^
10과 본문에 will be able to V 가 쓰인 부분 발췌입니다.
They will be able to make our life in the future more comfortable.
These smart clothes will be able to change for us anything we want.
It will be able to hold everything in our house.
We will be able to take a trip to any place we want.
They will be able to do anything that I ask; cooking, cleaning my room, or shopping.
실전연습] 다음 중 서로 의미가 가장 비슷한 한 쌍을 고르면?
We will be able to use robots in space.
= There will be robots which we can buy in space.
We will be able to take space trains to travel.
= There will be space trains that we can use to travel.
We will be able to put anything in magic bags.
= There will be magic bags which we can talk to.
We will be able to buy robots at workplace.
= There will be robots that we can use at workplace.
We will be able to travel to some stars in the future.
= In the future, there will be some stars that we can live in.
목적격 관계대명사
주관식 배점 높은 문항으로 출제가 가능하며, 객관식으로 출제가 되면~
비슷한 문법사항끼리 헷갈리게 출제가 될 수 있으니 상당한 주의를 요하는 부분입니다.
10과 본문에 목적격 관계대명사가 쓰인 부분 발췌입니다.
We drew (pictures of things we can imagine in the future.)
We will be able to take a trip to (any place we want.)
(All we will need) is a cup of water.
In the future, there will be (many kinds of robots which we can have) at home.
They will be able to do (anything that I ask): cooking, cleaning my room, or shopping
Maybe they will be able to change into (anything I want), like a cat or a TV.
이번 셤에서..... 물론 목적격 관계대명사가 화두인 것은 맞지만.... 목적격관계대명사만확실하게 알고 넘어가는 것은 ..... 고득점 대비에 있어서는 실패라고 할 수 있는바.....관계대명사 .....주격/목적격/소유격/관계대명사 what 까지 정확하게 정리가 되어야.... 실수 없이 모든 문제를 다 맞출 수 있을 것임니돠!!
1. 다음 밑줄 친 that의 용법이 나머지와 다른 하나는?
① The girl that helped you yesterday is Tess.
② The book that you bought me is boring.
③ He is the only man that knows my secret.
④ Do you remember the place that we visited last summer?
⑤ Did you hear the news that she won the gold medal?
2. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 that으로 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 것은?
① I met a man whose son works with me.
② Tom lied to me, which made me angry.
③ This is Eva with whom I want to travel.
④ Things which you gave me are on the table.
⑤ This is the river for which this country is famous.
3. 다음 중 어법에 맞지 않는 것을 모두 고르시오.
① I have a dog that are ten years old.
② I read a book which my father gave me.
③ I want something which you made yesterday.
④ The man who have long hair is my brother.
⑤ This is the girl that I love her very much.
<관계대명사 문제풀이> - 문항 발췌 중학영문법 3800 제
1. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분은?
He ①is ②the boy ③whom ④can ⑤swim very well. |
2. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말은?
There are many people _________ use credit cards. |
① who ② whom ③ whose ④ which ⑤ of which
3. 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 주어진 단어를 바르게 배열하세요.
⦁ 나는 네가 말한 것을 이해할 수 없다.
= I can't understand ______________________ (you, said, what) |
4. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 연결할 때 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?
⦁ I bought my father a tie. It was made in Korea.
= I bought my father a tie _________ was made in Korea. |
① who ② which ③ what ④ to ⑤ it
5. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 연결할 때 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.
⦁ I watched a movie. It was very moving.
= I watched a movie _______ was very moving. |
6. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?
There lived a farmer ______ had a goose. |
① which ② and ③ whom ④ who ⑤ but
7. 다음 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 바꾼 것은?
She wrote many fables. They gave me good lessons. |
① They gave me good lessons she wrote many fables.
② She wrote many fables who gave me good lessons.
③ She wrote many fables which gave me good lessons.
④ She wrote many fables what gave me good lessons.
⑤ She wrote many fables gave me good lessons.
8. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 관계대명사를 고르세요.
I like story books _________ have many interesting stories. |
① what ② whose ③ who ④ whom ⑤ which
9. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 모두 고르세요.
① The girl was taught by him.
② People who exercise regularly are healthy.
③ Look at the policeman, that caught the thief.
④ The shoes which he is wearing are new.
⑤ The book was wrote by Oliver Goldsmith.
10. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 생략할 수 없는 것을 고르세요.
① This is the truck which I bought last year.
② Look at that boy who is playing basketball.
③ I have a watch that is made in Japan.
④ I met a girl who has a blue-eyed cat.
⑤ This is the house which they live in.
11. 다음 밑줄 친 관계대명사 중 문장에서의 쓰임이 다른 하나를 고르세요.
① I like the dress that Anna is wearing.
② This is the story which my father wrote.
③ This is the table that John made.
④ Here are some of the techniques which they use.
⑤ This is the girl that uses magic.
12. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 who를 쓸 수 없는 것은?
① It rescues people _______ are in danger.
② He is the man _______ I like.
③ This is the child _______ broke the window.
④ There are volunteer doctors ________ take care of sick people everywhere.
⑤ I gave him something ________ was more important than money.
13. 빈칸에 들어갈 단어가 순서대로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?
⦁She painted a man _______ was sitting on the bench.
⦁ Ted has an alarm clock _______ goes off at seven o'clock. |
① who - that
② that - who
③ who - what
④ that - what
⑤ which - that
14. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 what과 쓰임이 같은 것은?
Soccer is what I like most. |
① They showed you what to do.
② I don't know what to say.
③ What did you do last night?
④ What he said to me was unbelievable.
⑤ I thought about what kind of leader I am.
15. 다음 주어진 두 문장을 한 문장으로 바르게 바꾸어 쓴 것은?
She made spaghetti sauce with the tomatoes. She grew the tomatoes. |
① She made spaghetti sauce she grew the tomatoes.
② She made spaghetti sauce with the tomatoes whom she grew.
③ She made spaghetti sauce with the tomatoes she grew.
④ She grew the tomatoes whose she made spaghetti sauce.
⑤ She grew the tomatoes that made spaghetti sauce with the tomatoes.
16. 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 괄호 안에 주어진 단어들을 알맞게 배열하세요.
⦁ 소방대원은 불을 끄고 사람들을 구출해내는 사람이다.
= ______________________________________________________________________.
(puts out, is, rescues, a person, a fire fighter, people, who, and, fires) |
17. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 하나를 고르세요.
① Everything that I told him was true.
② How did Andy know that I was smiling?
③ They show that these people are very rich.
④ The clean sheep knew that the other sheep was dirty.
⑤ He thinks that he must be dirty.
18. 다음 두 문장을 올바르게 연결한 것을 고르세요.
① He is my student. He is from America.
=> He is my student who is from America.
② This is Kelly's sister. She is a singer.
=> This is Kelly's sister whose is a singer.
③ This is the camera. I'm looking for it.
=> This is the camera whose I'm looking for it.
④ Jack has a girl friend. Her job is a teacher.
=> Jack has a girl friend who job is a teacher.
⑤ Mr. Lee is a painter. He drew this picture.
=> Mr. Lee is a painter whom drew this picture.
19. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르세요.
A: What's the reason __________ we can't buy that car?
B: Because it is very expensive and we don't have enough money. |
① why ② what ③ when ④ how ⑤ which
20. 다음 문장의 밑줄 친 who와 쓰임이 같은 것을 모두 고르세요.
Ms. Song is the teacher who taught us music. |
① The man is the police officer who took me here.
② Do you know who that girl is?
③ Who borrowed your umbrella?
④ There are children who can not focus on the class.
⑤ Tell me who she is talking to.
21. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 관계대명사는?
There are many people _________ provide various services in our communities. |
① what ② which ③ who ④ whom ⑤ whose
22. 다음 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 that과 쓰임이 다른 하나를 고르세요.
There is something that I'd like to tell you. |
① I like the sitcom that I saw last night.
② We think that he's lazy.
③ Can I borrow the book that I gave you before?
④ The cap that is on the table is his brother's.
⑤ Don't throw away anything that can be recycled.
23. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어를 고르세요.
I like houses __________ have many rooms. |
① who ② whom ③ that ④ where ⑤ they
24. 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.
⦁이 아파트에 살고 있는 사람을 찾아보자.
= Let's find someone ________ is living in this apartment. |
25. 다음 문장에서 who were가 생략된 부분을 고르세요.
All ①the people ②living in the village③helped ④each other ⑤. |
26. 주어진 두 문장을 관계대명사를 이용하여 한 문장으로 완성하세요.
⦁ I know a boy. Everyone likes him very much.
=> _____________________________________________________________ |
27. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르세요.
① Jane is the first one that arrived here.
② What I need is just cold water.
③ He is the only person that helped me.
④ Mom bought me a skirt which color is red.
⑤ I met someone who works at the bank.
28. 다음 우리말과 같은 뜻이 되도록 주어진 단어를 알맞게 배열하세요.
⦁ 우리는 다른 사람들이 살아가는 방식을 존중해야 한다.
= We should respect ________________. (live, others, way, the) |
29. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 가리키는 장소는?
This is the place where the sick are looked after by nurses and doctors. |
① bank ② hospital ③ market ④ bus station ⑤ orphanage
30. 주어진 문장의 밑줄 친 that과 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르세요.
I like books that have beautiful pictures. |
① Who is that girl?
② I think that she is Chinese.
③ That is my sister.
④ She is so kind that everyone likes her.
⑤ I know some girls that sing very well.
31. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어를 쓰세요.
⦁I like the CD player _________ Ann has.
⦁__________ is faster, a horse or a lion? |
32. 주어진 두 문장을 관계대명사를 사용하여 한 문장으로 연결해 보세요.
(1) I know a girl. She can speak Spanish very well.
=> _______________________________________________________________________
(2) The book is easy to read. I bought it last night.
=> ______________________________________________________________________
(3) Look at the house. Its roof is red.
=> ______________________________________________________________________
33. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?
⦁I'm interested in the work ________
they do.
⦁The man _________ is wearing boots is Jack. |
① who ② whose ③ how ④ that ⑤ which
34. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르세요.
① The lady who was sitting on the chair looked ill.
② This is the restaurant who I saw on TV.
③ A planet is a large round object which moves around the Sun.
④ A bat is an animal which lives in a cave.
⑤ I have a nephew that lives in Busan.
35. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 생략할 수 없는 것을 고르세요.
① This is the essay which my father wrote.
② I like the glasses that my dad is wearing.
③ The man who is working in the garden is my uncle.
④ She loves the house that her grandfather built.
⑤ Some advertisers use tricks that are done by magicians.
36. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어를 고르세요.
⦁Send me the money ________ you saved to buy a computer.
⦁She is the smartest girl _________ I have ever seen.
⦁ Please tell him _________ I am Sam. |
① that ② how ③ to ④ people ⑤ which
37. 다음의 두 문장을 관계대명사를 이용하여 한 문장으로 만들어 보세요.
These are the books. My teacher bought them for me. |
=> ___________________________________________________________________
38. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?
⦁This is the restaurant. I met her in the restaurant.
= This is the restaurant _________ I met her.
⦁Greece is the country. The 2004 Olympic Games were held in the country.
= Greece is the country _________ the 2004 Olympic Games were held. |
① which ② why ③ where ④ when ⑤ what
39. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르세요.
① He is the only person that can help me.
② Minho is the first student arrived there.
③ He bought the book whose title I can't remember.
④ In this cold weather, what I want is staying at home.
⑤ There is someone at the door who wants to see you.
40. 다음 주어진 문장에서 생략 가능한 두 단어를 쓰세요.
Look at the birds which are singing on the tree. |
=> ______________________________
41. 다음 글을 읽고 빈칸에 들어갈 가장 알맞은 단어를 고르세요.
It was a wasteland, like a desert. There were no trees or water. It wasn't a nice place at all, so almost no one lived there. That's ________ I was very surprised when I saw a woman walking all alone there. |
① who ② what ③ because ④ why ⑤ how
In the old days, it was used as a reading lamp.
It is called hwaetdae.
Clothes, books and dishes are kept inside.
On the top, yo and ibul are placed.
This nice room can be used as a bedroom, a living room, or a dining room.
한글파일 다운해서 보세욥 ^^ 타이핑 힘듬 ㅠ.ㅠ
천재(재)2학기 기말고사 대비 서술형 및 객관식 응용형 대비:
광쌤이샘 소개 바로가기: http://ebayer.tistory.com/359